Ladies, STOP putting "Perms" in your hair!!!!! it is NOT good! putting a "perm, or relaxer" in your hair actually damages the scalp, break off the ends of your hair etc. "Perms & relaxer's" are the SAME thing girls. just because it makes your hair look pretty and straight, doesn't mean that it isn't gonna damage your natural hair. If you've already worn a perm, or continuously get perms, STOP IMMEDIATELY!!!!! let your hair be natural and beautiful. hair doesn't make you at all. and if you have daughter's stop giving the perms at the age of 5! their scalp is still trying to mature!!!! this is how you start they're hair off NAPPY. now for those of you who hasn't seen "Good Hair", watch it. it's a great documentary, and I learned a lot about black women hair, and the way the perm works, and how black women can be beautiful WITHOUT a perm. I mean hey, look at Diana Ross, and her kids :-)

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